I'm following WAY too many artists.
This site is just too good!

Age 18, Male

Chronic worrier.


Joined on 2/22/21

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TheJudddman's News

Posted by TheJudddman - 17 hours ago

Sorry for keeping you all waiting. I figure that since I have some interesting things coming up, I ought to appetize you beautiful folks with this little number I cranked out for a school assignment. I usually don't publish things I make for school here, but I enjoyed making this one so much I figured it ought to be an exception.


It can’t come cleanly

The fruits of your labor hide in obscurity.

But of the dreaming

You can only build God with efforts weary

Stinging to know you missed the pitch, huh?

Can’t break the mold with dud hits

When all you do is misfire

There’s more holes in you than the target.

Trying to have talent.

Trying to make sense of yourself.

Trying to make soul spill out of your art

Like gasoline fumes

When one spark of love manifests

It burns the whole building down.

Its hard to see yourself deserving that.

No blazes of glory when you jam up at the last second.

Always doubting yourself, misfiring.

Life is a chronic case of the Yips.

And here we are

That’s what it needs

More sweat, more blood,and agony 

More years and tears to complete the rhapsody

Two steps forward, one step back. 

All to prove you’re not a talentless hack.

And at the end of it all

You exist to scrawl

On all of the walls

The little thoughts you had

And everything you were

All you could be

Were shaped by something much more mad.

I think you broke something in your head

To make you think instead

That you meant nothing to me.

That all you did and all you said

Was grass under the mower.

The beautiful things you made, who could forget?




Posted by TheJudddman - February 5th, 2025

Alright folks, I'm making a change. I've made a routine for myself. For these past two days, I have done ten gesture drawings for 1 minute each per day. Its funny how your mind starts to put the pieces together and grow in understanding ever so slightly as you do it. Today, i've observed that the pectorals connect to the deltoids. Repeated exposure to subject matter results in an understanding of it. I feel pretty good. Keep in mind that I have just started doing this a few days ago, so the drawings themselves are going to look quite terrible. I redrew some of the poses that I like (which are obviously the females ones. Lord have mercy on my soul).



If you beautiful folks have any advice for gesture drawing, please let me know. AND THANK YOU ALL FOR OVER 90 FOLLOWERZ!!!!!!!



Posted by TheJudddman - January 11th, 2025

Well, shit. I'm sure you've had those sorts of feeling hit you before. The sort of feeling where you see folks younger than you crank out masterpieces like they popped out the womb with artistic genius, and you can't help but feel awful.

I'm not blaming anyone. I admire these artists, I really do. I'm just stuck feeling behind.

As for personal updates, I'm doing okay. I promise to get started up with another piece soon. Trust me, you are too important for me to ever forget. The start of the 3rd quarter at my school has basically set a fire under my ass, so I am quite busy with that.

The main point of this post is me asking a few questions: What resources have helped you with your art? Any sort of art guidebooks you all might recommend? Any practice routines that you do before you draw? Anything that you do to help you get motivated or inspired to create art?

As I'm writing this, I wonder if me asking for more tips and tricks instead of practicing is just me looking for the easy way out, as though simply owning a book on anatomy will grant me understanding of every muscle fiber in the body. In a sense, It probably is. No matter what though, I'm surrounded by great creative minds. I'm sure we can help each other.

Thank you all. You're the best. Here, have a crunge cube for your troubles.



Posted by TheJudddman - December 28th, 2024

Alright, so I have a plan, and by me saying that I have a plan, I mean that I absolutely have no idea what this plan is.

I do know for sure that I would like to release one more piece of artwork before the year is out. Maybe more. I don't know. I have a pseudo-goal in mind to post more art pieces on here than I have in my first year on this site (The horrible, no good, very bad shit at the bottom of the page where it belongs).

Whatever it is, I'll figure out something. I usually do.

For the over 80 talented folks who follow me, I am glad to have your support. Its funny how I've graduated from a lurker on this site to a full fledged member over the course of a few school years.

And after everything, I'll be going to college next year, maybe even art school after that. Expect something well-drawn from an older and bolder Judddman.

I love you crazy folks. Thank you for everything and SAY GOODBYE TO 2024! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted by TheJudddman - November 15th, 2024

For anyone willing to listen, I have a small announcement regarding some revisions. Nothing major.

I'm going to update some of my older pieces with higher image quality. I want to make sure that you can see the art good and clear, flaws and all.

Thank you all for your support and let us all be great artists together.


Posted by TheJudddman - November 8th, 2024



Posted by TheJudddman - September 24th, 2024


Ladies and Gents, my first Gundam.

A good use of 14 bucks.



Posted by TheJudddman - June 16th, 2024

Pretty Plastic Island

By TheJudddman

My name is Santiago, and it was about 10 years ago that I had lived (and mostly worked) on the island of Santa Perdonala.

I barely remember much of my childhood, but aside from the memories of a drunk father whose face was a blur leaving me on this island, I certainly remember that this place would never be my home even after living there for most of my young life.

Santa Perdonala was a resort island first and foremost, and everything was designed to look as natural as possible, like a real place, even though most islands like it did not have clean water and air-conditioning despite abiding to the aesthetics of clay houses and brick roads. Many of the “citizens” on the island aren’t actually native and if asked, they will either tell you that they had lived there their entire lives or will give a grand backstory about their arrival to the place while endlessly singing its praises. Everyone here is given a script so as to provide a comfortable narrative to the resort-goers, having them think that Santa Perdonala is a beautiful place, rich in culture and lively in its soul, when in reality, it’s goods and crafts were handmade not by a grandmother or resident but by a child working his parents’ debt off in sweltering heat making clothes surrounded in a circle with other children his age.

I, of course, was one of these children, and I remember the day, distinctly, that I became a man.

I was an older kid, working in the sewing circle surrounded by other kids of varying ages, some teens and some pre-teens. The house we were in had clay walls and windows that were holes in those walls with cloth shutters. The ten of us only had one small bathroom to use and we slept in bunks in a room down the hall from the main room we worked in.

We all made the same thing. A bright blue button up shirt with intricate Perdonalan Swirls and crosses sewn onto the back and sides. We did it all by hand and if we pricked ourselves on the needles and got blood on the shirt, we would have to throw it away and start over from the beginning, supplemented by a whack from a carpet beater.

I was working, sweaty and tired as usual, when Jose, our “handler” walked in.

He was a man of fair skin, much lighter than the caramel brown of the children he watched over. He had a thick set of eyebrows, slicked back hair and a strong jaw with minor stubble. He was wearing the same shirt we were making and had just come back off of being a tour guide for vacationers. He always stood up straight and had a proud look on his face that would occasionally switch to a drunken half-smile when entering the house.

“Santi!” He called, nodding at me to follow him.

And so I did.

We walked over onto the balcony. Halved clay walls make the railings and a multi-colored carpet with geometric designs lines the sun-beaten floor.

Jose took his sunglasses off, lit a cigarette, and slumped down into the white, rusted, wrought-iron chair. He waved his hand, inviting me to sit in the other chair.

He rested his elbow on the table, the arm with the cigarette in it, furrowed his brow slightly.

“Santi, my boy”. He took a puff of his cigarette. “I got a job for you.”

It was always like Jose to cut to the chase. He never cared what anyone had to think of him. Admirable, but done in the wrong ways.

He continued, “One of the bar workers jumped ship and left the island, and I need you to take his place for a night, yeah?”

This was extremely new to me. I did occasionally get out of the house to do odd jobs, but those mostly consisted of cleaning houses or taking out trash. I was hesitant to do this. I’d be serving drinks to drunk foreigners, possibly getting berated by them and leaving it without any pay, leaving me more miserable than I usually am.

I tried to refuse.

“Um, Mr. Jose?”


“Are you sure there aren’t any free adults that can do this?”

His gaze grew serious. He stared at me, no, through me.

“You refusing?”

I faltered. Like an idiot.

“Well, no sir, but I’m wondering if I’m the right guy for the job. Isn’t there someone more…experienced?”

He stared at me, gave me a softer look. He reached over the table and put his arm around me.

“Awwww, Santi!” a quick puff and exhale of smoke. “You always struck me as the humble sort. You need more confidence, man!”

Avoiding the question. Typical Jose. He pulled back, inhaling as he did.

“Lemme tell ya, Santiago. It's a big scary world, and we both know I can’t house you forever. I think you ought to learn some people skills, before I have to send you out there. Can’t have the world eat you alive, you know?”

“Well, alright.”

“On board then? Nice. You know I can’t do it without ya.”

“Wait, no…I mean-”

“Santi…”, he puffed on his cigarette. “I’m sure you are aware of the only other option. You know what’s gonna happen if you don’t do this right?”

I looked down, defeated. “Yes sir…”

“Seven o’clock. Tomorrow. I’ll give you a uniform and you’ll bring out drinks till the place closes or a new guy can take over for you.”

He snuffed out his cigarette under his boot and got up to leave.

“Wait, sir.”


“Aren’t I too young for this? I’m only sixteen.”

He turned and leaned on the doorway with his hands in his pocket. The ends of his mouth curved upward to a subtle smile.

“You’re the oldest kid here Santi. You got some whiskers on you already.”


“Besides, you look old enough. It's not like they need to know, yeah?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good Kid. Now back to work.”

He didn’t even hold the door open for me as I followed him downstairs.

“Oh right. Santi?”

“Yes, Mr. Jose?”

“You remember where you are really from, right?”

“No, sir.”

“Attaboy. Don’t.

As I sat back down to continue working I noticed a small red dot on my pants. I looked up and noticed that I had pricked myself on the thumb with the needle before I talked with Jose. I was currently grabbing the shirt with the thumb and forefinger of my pricked hand, leaving a wine-red stain on the shirt.

That was the last straw. 

As the old woman in the corner went to get the carpet beater, I realized just how fed up I was with everything. I had spent the entirety of my life living a lie.

But I had no choice but to. It was a sickeningly perfect situation. A boy with a family who didn’t want him left to slave away making shirts for weak, rich men, with no knowledge to know who he was, no room to examine, to think, no room to fight for who he is, because doesn’t know who he is.

I saw someone I wasn’t happy with in the mirror as my fellow children and I lined up to brush our teeth. I made a promise to myself that tomorrow, I had to do something. I didn’t know what that something was but it had to happen, because if it didn’t, it would leave me to rot here, choking on a truth I never knew and never got to tell.

I’ll tell them what I know. That’s it.

I could convince someone to adopt me. Find an official and share what I know about this whole operation. Get drunk and spill everything out. I know it seems like wishful thinking, but that’s how desperate it made me.

And so I, Santiago Hernandez, would spend the next few years of my life hatching a plan to escape.

I would lead an honest life, away from a land of lies.



Posted by TheJudddman - March 9th, 2024

Sorry for not posting at all for this year currently.

Its exam week for me as of my posting of this, but I promise I will post something after.

I don't want to keep my fans waiting. I appreciate all of your support and I will post soon.

Thank you all.


Posted by TheJudddman - December 23rd, 2023


By TheJudddman

Doctor Howard wasn’t too fond of my words. He didn’t seem to understand just what my form needed. It didn’t make sense. Wouldn’t he want this for me? Wouldn’t he want my bones to be the best they could be?

Please don’t do this, he said.

I must. It is my new life’s purpose.

It doesn’t even exist! There is no point!

I said nothing and left.

I never could play with the other kids. The Memory hurt too much for me to want to remember. But I did anyway. Front yard of neighbor’s house. Jimmy Lupo threw the football. My young self chased after it. I wanted that ball like a hungry man to a fresh ham. I catched it, rushed toward the touchdown zone, marked by the neighbor’s car. 

It was there. I damn near had it.

Michael Melito was there too, behind me. He tackled me.

Poor Mike. He never knew, just as I never knew. Just as my parents never knew.

I never should have been out there in the first place.

How would I even describe it? Ribs, shoulder, arm, hip, all cracked asunder. It was like a living breathing boulder who didn’t know that there was a human under it.

But he learned. Michael knew when my parents ran outside, alerted by my screams that shredded my throat. He and all the other children knew when my red, Bruise-marbled body was bound to the stretcher as my mother and father watched with heavy sobs as their tears crashed and exploded on the ground. One of the other kids, Sandra Lee, rushed past the paramedics and left a dandelion by my thin, broken hand. Michael was back on the lawn. On his knees, sobbing into his hands, surrounded by the other children saying

I didn’t know! I didn’t know! I’m so sorry! I’m sorry!

Somehow the biggest kid in the friend group looked so small that day.

I don’t blame him. I don’t blame anyone.

Why was I born this way? Why was I made to be so fragile? Why must my parents be burdened by this accident? By this condition? By me?

I barely leave the house much anymore. My parents talk to me occasionally, although their messages have become a lot more infrequent. The corners and sides of my kitchen table and counter are protected with blue pool noodles cut to shape and slipped onto the sides. All of this is here because even a light bump into the table will leave me a broken hip and a trip to the hospital. 

I hate those pool noodles. They always seem to remind me that the day my whole body was broken was the day I lost any sense of autonomy. I never wanted those pool noodles there, but my mother insisted otherwise. She didn’t want her little boy getting hurt. I love them to death, but they never let me breathe, just as they never let themselves breathe after that incident.

I opened up my medicine cabinet. In the bottom row of the shelf is where the temporary fix lies. I weave my hand past the medicine bottles like an explorer through a jungle of bisphosphonates with the golden idol at the end labeled “Calcium and Vitamin D”. I take a sip of coffee and a pill and leave them to dance together in my stomach. 

Breakfast felt strange today. I never thought that I would have a last meal for something. It doesn’t feel like a last meal on death row but it feels like something is most definitely dying.

My bags are packed with the essentials. Rope, rations, water, etc. Everything needed to survive the challenges that shall greet me soon. 

I don’t have many people to say goodbye to. If I told my parents, they would do almost anything in their power to stop me. I wish I could tell them about the journey I would take. I wish I could tell them that imbibing upon the milk of that sacred cow would make all of their problems fade away, that all of MY problems would fade away.

I kiss goodbye to an empty house in a cold neighborhood, wished farewell by a frozen gale and a slammed door.

My flight leaves in 2 hours.

God help me with this.
